Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Little Things

As departure gets closer, the things I have to deal with get smaller. Airfare, clothing, insurance and luggage were taken care of months ago. Doctor visits and shots were not too long ago. But the last two weeks have been chasing down the little things, like small bottles to keep pills in, a moneybelt, SD cards, permethrin to treat my safari clothes. And there are chores, like eating up the food that won't keep while I'm gone, paying bills and holding the mail.

For instance, this afternoon was spent cashing in my change jar ($93!), buying some brightly colored cable ties (for securing bag zippers), dropping off a tote for my CSA sharesitter (and getting some intel on Delta's Sky Club locations - thanks Jodi!), buy some of the aforementioned pill bottles, and waterproofing my boots.

The boots (a solid pair of old-school all-leather wafflestompers made by Alico) feel pretty well broken in. I filled the large seam around the sole with a thin liquid wax. It seemed like the best way to fill the stitch holes. Then a generous helping of Sno-Seal, which I think is the end-all be-all of waterproofing products. It's a lot easier to apply if you have a hairdryer to melt the beeswax. And I bought a hairdryer expressly for this reason. Not enough hair to need it for its intended purpose.

I still have to permethrin-ize my safari clothes, find some Gatorade powder, count my vitamins, charge and recharge all my toys, buy a circular polarizer for my new lens, get a haircut, put Picasa on my netbook... I'll need a vacation just to recover from preparing for this vacation.

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