Saturday, June 12, 2010

Home Stretch

Just a few days left and I'm getting all the little things taken care of. Wash and waterproof the boots. Hold the mail. Accumulate relatively new US$ bills. Get someone to "babysit" my CSA share.

Oh, and update this blog. :) finally let me down. I tried to order a few more camera bits for the trip. They'd gladly sell me a SD card, a thumb drive and a new lens, but it wouldn't ship for nearly two weeks, and wouldn't arrive until after I leave.  Boo hiss!

But I'll tell you who came through on the camera gear... Staples.

Yeah, the office supply place sells camera lenses! Cost about the same and I got it shipped to my door the next day! OMFG!

I got a Nikon 55-200 zoom with vibration reduction. It's basically a kit lens and it's kinda slow, but it's great for travel and will give me a bit more reach than my 18-135 zoom. I took it on a local photo safari today (through Washington Photo Safaris - David Luria is a great instructor) and it seemed to work pretty well. He thought I should rent a larger lens - I could probably get a 300mm or longer glass for $150 shipped. Not a bad idea, but I'd have to hump it up Kili first and it won't be of much use there. I'll save it for next time.

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