Monday, March 29, 2010

Movie Review: The Snows of Kilimanjaro

Think about Kili in fiction and the first thing that comes to mind (and what everyone invariably suggests you read when you say you're going) is Hemingway's The Snows of Kilimanjaro. Well, I'm not exactly itching to read more Hemingway, but a movie is another matter.

Sure enough, The Snows of Kilimanjaro was made into a movie. Well, it and bits of a few other Hemingway stories and some of Hemingway's own life chucked in for good measure. The 1952 flick stars Gregory Peck as a writer whose life more or less flashes before his eyes as he struggles with an infected leg while on safari in Tanzania.

Blockbuster didn't have it on DVD, but Netflix did. Let me just say that the DVD is horrendous and clearly done on the cheap. The film may be 60 years old but I've watched much older films on disc that looked better than this. The picture is blurry and grainy, and the sound is muddy. I almost turned it off just for that. Plotwise, it was alright.

Verdict: Maybe worth a rental if you can stomach the crappy print

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