Friday, March 26, 2010

Biel on Kili

I sat down to watch The Late Late Show this evening, only to find last night's show was preempted by Letterman, which in turn was on late because of basketball.

I fast-forwarded it a bit, just to make sure Craig Ferguson wasn't completely pushed back. I see Dave holding up a photo of people trudging up a snowy peak... that looked a bit like Kili. The guest? Jessica Biel.

Rowr! Gotta watch this. (Note: The clip isn't up on the CBS site, or anywhere else that I can find, so use your imagination.)

Turns out, Biel was one of a gaggle of celebrities humping it up Kili to raise awareness for something (in this case, clean water). The whole ordeal was captured in a documentary for MTV (really). She said it was very hard ("I don't like walking.") but she summited. Well, if a softie like that can do it... :)

There is a website for the Summit on the Summit, but it's hideous. It's mostly a commercial for its sponsors (HP, PUR and Eddie Bauer, among others), nevermind the foul usability. Google it ... if you dare!!

Naturally, it didn't tell me what I wanted to know: who guided the trek. It took a bit of digging, but the company guiding them was Thomson Safaris. High-class outfit, which is what I expected, because all these beautiful people aren't the type to rough it, even for a good cause.

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