Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Shot In the Arm

Africa is home to many wonderful living things, and many that are not so wonderful. Some are a bit contagious and potentially lethal.

The CDC's Traveler's Health page for Tanzania reads like a hypochondriac's horror novel. Dengue fever, malaria, Plague (laying waste to humanity since 1347 ... and possibly longer), Schistosomiasis, African trypanosomiasis ... and many of these maladies don't have a vaccine. It's enough to make you want to stay home.

Many thousands of non-refundable dollars say I'm still going, so I'm getting a few more shots. The CDC suggests the following:

  • Yellow Fever
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Typhoid
  • Rabies (I'll pass on this one and just promise not to pet any critters)
  • Polio (All those shots for school paid off)

Sounds delightful, no? I have to go to a travel clinic for typhoid and yellow fever, but my doctor was more than happy to start me on the Hep A/B series. Yes, I said series. It unfortunately is not a one-shot deal. Most of the others aren't either.

The first one hurt. @#$%! My arm's still a bit sore two days later. And in two weeks I get to relive the agony.

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