Monday, September 28, 2009

"But Why?"

"Why on Earth do you want to climb Kilimanjaro?"

I knew someone would ask me this. It was a friend of my dad's, who admittedly isn't much of a traveler. I wasn't sure how to answer him.

I could say...

1. I wanted to climb it before the glaciers disappear.

2. It's one of the only Seven Summits I will ever be able to climb.

3. "Because it's there!" And in the spirit of George Mallory, I could say it exasperatedly.
(Seriously. That was his answer to a pesky reporter in 1924 who didn't seem to accept all his other reasons for wanting to scale a big snow-covered rock called Mt Everest.)

I truth, it's all three, and then some.

(But I chose number 3. The smart-assedness runs deep.)

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